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husband’s referral to the assizes confirmed

The Court of Appeal confirmed on Thursday the referral of Cédric Jubillar to the assizes for the murder of his wife Delphine in December 2020, following the requisitions of the public prosecutor, according to lawyers in the case. “The Court of Appeal has just rendered its decision, Cédric Jubillar is referred to the assize court to answer for the crime of voluntary homicide of his wife,” declared Me Alexandre Martin, one of the accused’s lawyers.

Incarcerated for more than three years and indicted on June 18, 2021, Cédric Jubillar is being prosecuted for the murder of his partner Delphine on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. In this case without a body, confession, witness, crime scene or irrefutable evidence, investigators are convinced that Cédric Jubillar killed her, when she had just announced her intention to divorce him.

A trial in 2025

The trial should be held before the Tarn Assize Court in 2025, according to a judicial source. “We can’t wait, this man has been incarcerated for three and a half years, and the court has refused to release this man in defiance of the presumption of innocence,” said Mr. Martin, a few minutes after learning of the decision of the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal. The lawyer, who is defending the 37-year-old painter-plasterer along with Emmanuelle Franck and Jean-Baptiste Alary, described the court’s decision as “a catalogue of elements put forward by the prosecution, but it is absolutely not a demonstration of the genesis of a crime.”

A nurse and mother of two, Delphine Jubillar disappeared in Cagnac-les-Mines, near , in the middle of the curfew linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.


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