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“We must make the pension reform more sustainable” (Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, Minister of Labor and Employment)

During the handover ceremony with Catherine Vautrin who became Minister of Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization, the new Minister of Labor and Employment, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, stated that “we must make the latest pension reform more sustainable for everyone and address the anxieties it may have generated, particularly among women,” indicating that the pension issue will be well managed in her ministry. “Working two more years in a country where, after 55, you feel that you no longer have your place in the world of work or [si] the job we do is difficult – yes, there are jobs that are difficult – it can appear to be anxiety-provoking,” continues the former MP. EPR, thus fully assuming a term of hardship strongly rejected by the executive at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s first term.

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