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Covid-19 Vaccination: Get Ready for Orders – 09/17/2024 – News

Anti-Covid vaccines: order dates

Orders for Covid-19 vaccines from the state stockpile will be possible from Monday September 23 morning. This first ordering session will end the following day, September 24 at 11 p.m. The vaccines will be delivered to pharmacies by the wholesale distributors on Thursday or Friday of the following week, i.e. October 3 or 4. The ordering sessions will continue on a weekly basis, on Monday and Tuesday of each week, with delivery on D+10 as a general rule.

Which vaccine?

This year the vaccine Comirnaty JN1adapted to the circulating variant, will be the only mRNA vaccine distributed for the campaign. Three dosages are available: Comirnaty JN1 30 µg/dose for adults and adolescents aged 12 and over in a vial of 6 doses, Comirnaty JN1 10 µg/dose for children aged 5 to 11 in a vial of 6 doses, and Comirnaty JN1 3 µg/dose for children aged 6 months to 4 years in a vial of 3 doses. The Nuvaxovid, Spikevax and VidPrevtyn Beta vaccines are not available for order.

How much?

To avoid any shortage, the Directorate General of Health is establishing a temporary quota for each product. This quota is 30 vials per effector for the adult dosage, 3 vials for the child dosage from 5 to 11 years old and 2 vials for the children’s version from 6 months to 4 years old.

The target population

The campaign targets all people aged 65 and over, people aged 6 months and over with comorbidities who are at higher risk of severe forms of the disease, immunocompromised people, pregnant women, residents of nursing homes and long-term care units, people at very high risk of severe forms and people living in the entourage or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people. But anyone who wishes can be vaccinated. A period of at least 6 months must be respected since the last dose of Covid vaccine. This period is reduced to 3 months for people aged 80 or over or immunocompromised.

The dosage from 5 years of age is a single dose of vaccine, regardless of vaccination history.

The SI Vaccin Covid injection tracking system was definitively stopped on June 28. An upcoming DGS-Urgent will specify new tracking methods.


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