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Covid-19: the virus continues to circulate permanently, warns an infectious disease specialist

Covid-19: the virus continues to circulate permanently, warns an infectious disease specialist
Covid-19: the virus continues to circulate permanently, warns an infectious disease specialist

Covid-19 continues to circulate in the French populationrecalls this Tuesday Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches, in Hauts-de-Seine, as the the vaccination campaign against flu and Covid. This summer, “we had a constant rate of infections – even if it was a relatively low level – which never fell below the thresholds of previous years. This means that we are in an endemic situation“, indicated the infectious disease specialist on franceinfo.

According to the doctor, “there is a permanent background noise from the circulation of Covid, but also other viruses.” Accordingly, “we are not starting from zero and we risk being caught up more quickly this fall. This is what we have seen in recent weeks with a very significant increase in cases“, assures Benjamin Davido. In its last virus tracking bulletin on October 9Public Health noted a “stabilization of virological indicators in the hospital” more “an increase in the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, indicating active circulation of the virus“.

Regarding positivity rates, “among the rare people who get tested, we are between 25 and 30%, an extremely high rate of positive tests, which clearly reflects the fact that when we are sick, there is a high probability that we have Covid -19“.

It is “extremely important to protect people at risk”

The infectious disease specialist reminds us: it is “extremely important to protect people at risk”. In all, 17 million people in France are targeted by the new vaccination campaign. These are people over 65 years old or people with fragility factors, such as chronic respiratory insufficiency and diseases, but also pregnant women and those close to infants or immunocompromised people. Some of these people “stopped at the third dose and forgot the reminder” you vaccine.

Benjamin Davido therefore insists on double vaccination against flu and Covid, “even if it is double-edged, because it creates concerns that are not justified, because there is no contraindication to doing both vaccines at the same time“.



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