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Covid-19: Overall increase in new cases according to the WHO

Covid-19: Overall increase in new cases according to the WHO
Covid-19: Overall increase in new cases according to the WHO

Fifty positive cases of covid-19, out of a sample of 94, were detected during the sequencing exercise carried out from July 27 to August 30, 2024. Should we be worried? Elements of response.

Of the 94 samples collected from July 27 to August 30, 2024, 50 were positive, according to the results of sequencing carried out at the Central Health Laboratory (CHL) in Candos. Indications show that the Omicron 24A variant of interest is dominant, followed by variants 24B and 24 C.

After shaking up the world, covid-19 has been relegated to the rank of flu in Mauritius, and there is no need to worry, according to the Ministry of Health. This records an average of two cases per month. This statement contrasts with recent information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and . The latter mention an increase in new cases in recent weeks.

Increase in new cases

In a report released on September 17, the WHO reported a significant global increase in the number of new cases and deaths linked to the covid-19 pandemic. From July 22 to August 18, 2024, new cases increased by 23% and deaths by 44% compared to the period from June 24 to July 18, 2024.

According to the WHO, 238,000 new cases were recorded in 91 countries and around 4,400 new deaths were recorded in 35 countries.

In its bulletin of September 25, Public Health France emphasizes that all indicators show an “intensification” of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2, particularly among adults over 65 years old. French health authorities are monitoring the situation “vigilantly” and plan to launch a targeted vaccination campaign from October 15. They also remind us that health measures remain an effective way to protect against respiratory infections and their complications. Wearing a mask is recommended for people with symptoms.

Vigilance regarding the flu

In Mauritius, it is rather acute respiratory infections, such as influenza, which concern the health authorities. A new increase in cases was recorded from September 16 to 22 with 5,459 cases compared to 5,149 recorded from September 9 to 15. These figures only concern cases reported in the public sector. With the cold and dry climate persisting, Dr Fazil Khodabocus, a public service doctor, advocates vigilance.

Dr Shameem Jaumdally, for his part, believes that it is normal, after more than four years of pandemic, for new sub-variants to emerge. These variants may have a “fairly efficient” transmission capacity from one person to another. He thus attributes the increase in cases both to the emergence of new sub-variants and to the behavior of populations, particularly in France. The arrival of autumn encourages windows to be closed more, thus reducing the ventilation of homes, which promotes the spread of the virus according to him. He specifies that the transmission of covid-19 is not necessarily linked to a season, but rather to behaviors, which increases the risks.

No worries

Despite this situation, the virologist believes that there is no reason to worry about the increase in new cases of covid-19. However, he recommends a targeted approach to protect vulnerable people, such as the elderly and those with co-morbidities. “Covid-19 can be compared to the flu, which has caused more deaths than the coronavirus in the last two years,” he says.

Dr Jaumdally points out that vaccination against covid-19 is not as useful as vaccination against the flu, particularly for people with weakened immune systems. He adds that the risks of complications linked to covid-19 are now low thanks to collective immunity. “Most people in the world have been infected at least once with covid-19, so we are now in the endemic phase,” he explains.

According to him, covid-19 will continue to circulate for many years, with the appearance of sub-variants, without causing major crises like those observed between 2019 and 2021.

Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, more than 776 million confirmed cases and more than seven million deaths have been recorded worldwide, according to WHO figures.

Number of Lineages and variants of interest of covid-19

Variant of interest CAS name

Omicron 24A 29

Omicron 24B 12

Omicron 24C 9

Total 50



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