Launch of the joint vaccination campaign

Launch of the joint vaccination campaign
Launch of the joint vaccination campaign

This week marks the start of orders for vaccines against Covid-19 and flu in preparation for launch of the joint vaccination campaign scheduled for October 15. We take stock of the modalities of this vaccination campaign.

Covid-19/flu: a new joint vaccination campaign

Like the vaccination campaign carried out in the fall of 2023, this year again, two vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 and seasonal flu will be done jointly, as recommended by the High Authority of Health. The launch of this 2024 campaign is scheduled for October 15.

Regarding the anti-Covid-19 vaccine, a new vaccine from the state stock will be made available to pharmacies. This is the Comirnaty® JN.1 vaccine from the Pfizer laboratory. Adapted to the circulating JN.1 variant, it can be ordered between September 23 and 24, as indicated in the DGS-Urgent from the Ministry of Health. Note that the Comirnaty JN.1 vaccine will be the only mRNA vaccine distributed during the winter campaign. As for weekly order sessions, they will be subject to a temporary quota in order to avoid the risk of shortages.

To know! The DGS-urgent service sends messages to health professionals from the General Directorate of Health warning them of urgent health problems.

Who are the people targeted by the Covid-19 vaccination campaign?

Remember that the people targeted by the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 are:

  • People aged 65 and over, immunocompromised people and pregnant women.
  • People aged 6 months or over and suffering from comorbidities with a higher risk of a serious form of the disease (complicated arterial hypertension, chronic heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancers, etc.).
  • People residing in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) and long-term care units (USDL).
  • People at very high risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19 according to each personal medical profile.
  • People living in close proximity to or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people.

From 6 months after the last infection or the last vaccination booster, the aforementioned people are eligible for vaccination. Knowing that this period is reduced to 3 months for immunocompromised people and people aged 80 or over.

To know! Anyone who is not one of the people targeted by the campaign but wishes to be vaccinated can receive an injection of vaccine against Covid-19.

Vaccination in practice

In practice, how does joint vaccination work? According to health authorities, once a person is eligible for both vaccinations, it is recommended to proceed with the concomitant vaccination against Covid-19 and against seasonal flu. Two scenarios then arise:

  • If the two vaccines are administered at the same time: the injections must be given in two separate areas.
  • If the two vaccines are not administered at the same time, there is no particular time limit to respect between the two vaccinations.

To know! Patient monitoring is indicated for a period of 15 minutes after the injection.

Déborah L., Doctor in Pharmacy


– The joint Covid – flu vaccination campaign will begin on October 15. Accessed September 22, 2024.
-Vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in fall 2024. Accessed September 22, 2024.



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