Tips for protecting yourself from monkeypox abroad

Tips for protecting yourself from monkeypox abroad
Tips for protecting yourself from monkeypox abroad

The new wave of the virus first affected the Democratic Republic of Congo, then spread across the African continent, and there are some cases in other countries. Unlike Covid, COPD is caught through prolonged and close contact, such as sexual intercourse, but also the use of contaminated utensils. After an incubation period of up to 21 days, the main symptoms are fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, headache, muscle and back pain, feeling weak and tired. “While health professionals consulted agree that MPOX is not the new Covid-19, they say travellers should exercise caution abroad to protect their health,” underlines The Straits Times.

Be well informed

First piece of advice, stay informed about the evolution of the virus and above all rely on reliable sources. For example, the article advises getting information through the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health. As a French person, it is indeed possible to regularly visit the Travel Advice platform, which will inform you about the health situation in the country you wish to visit, but also about entry restrictions if there are any.

Also, the Singapore daily advises to make an appointment with your doctor a few weeks before departure, to have a check-up. He will also be able to inform you about vaccinations against COPD.

Of course, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and if you don’t have anything to do it with, take with you a hydroalcoholic gel with an alcohol content of at least 60%. You can also take masks and tissues with you for the trip, and avoid touching your face with dirty hands.

It is also advisable to avoid any contact with a stray or wild animal, as the mpox virus can be transmitted from an animal to a human. The Straits Times also recommends not to consume undercooked meat.

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