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orange alert for “rain-flooding” in seven departments this Thursday morning

WEATHER – Still a lot of water in France. After a violent storm in Marseille, Var and Alpes-Maritimes on Wednesday, seven departments in central France are still on orange alert this Thursday, September 5 in the morning for heavy rain in the morning.

The departments of Yonne, Nièvre, Saône-et-Loire, Allier, Puy-de-Dôme, Loire and Haute-Loire are affected by this orange alert for rain and flooding, announced Météo-France, which has however lifted this measure early in five departments in the South-East (Bouches-du-Rhône, Gard, Vaucluse, Alpes-Maritimes and Var).

“The most violent storms have shifted towards Italy and the few remaining rains no longer justify an orange alert in the departments of the South-East”explained Météo-France in its 6 a.m. bulletin.

“Less stormy but more continuous rains are moving from Auvergne towards Burgundy until mid-morning”added the forecaster. In these regions, the rains have already brought 30 to 60 mm quite widely, and up to 60 to 90 mm locally.

In the Mediterranean, storms produced totals of around 40 to 80 mm, locally 100 to 140 mm with peaks of 180 mm in the east of the Var. In Marseille, heavy rainfall recorded in the afternoon forced the organizers of the Delta festival, where Justice, Julien Granel and Caravan Palace were to play, to cancel the first evening, “to ensure everyone’s safety”The festival will open on Thursday at 4 p.m. and will last until Sunday, they assured.

On the Côte d’Azur, a large lightning strike hit a stone cross on the dome of the Basilica of Saint-Raphaël (Var). This cross fell onto the public highway but without causing any injuries, they added.

In Vaucluse, access to the Toulourenc gorges site has been prohibited to the public in the municipalities of Malaucène and Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux, as a precaution against the risk of flooding until the orange alert is lifted, the prefecture announced.

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