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France benefits from the Olympic effect and maintains its place as the world’s leading destination

Summer is not over yet, but France is already taking stock of its summer tourist season. While some regions, such as the Atlantic coast, from north to south, are seeing a decline in attendance, France should remain the world’s leading destination this year, helped by the Olympic and Paralympic Games: this summer, international tourist attendance saw a 13% jump.

Leading the way in arrivals by plane in France this summer: the Chinese (+43%), followed by the Americans (+13%) and the Japanese (+13%).

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Olivia Grégoire is the resigning Minister Delegate for Tourism: “ It is a titanic work that has been carried out to make these Games a huge celebration and a success that will contribute to the tourist and economic attractiveness. But being the first is not always the hardest part, remaining the first is the hardest part.”

Towards a world record?

Because France, the world’s leading tourist destination, is closely followed by Spain and Italy. Tourism revenues in these countries are even higher.

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