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Repeal of pension reform, immigration law… The PS sets its conditions for the future Prime Minister

Ten conditions for socialist support. Eight weeks after the results of the second round of the legislative elections and in the midst of a “political deadlock”, the national office of the Socialist Party met on the evening of Tuesday, September 3.

During this assembly, which brings together all the party’s sensibilities, the PS leadership presented a motion for a resolution which sets the conditions for supporting a future Prime Minister.

“Hear and understand the message of the French”

In this document, which BFMTV was able to consult, the movement continues “to demand that the President of the Republic respect the ballot boxes and designate Lucie Castets”, the candidate designated by the New Popular Front, the coalition with the largest number of seats in the Assembly.

But since the head of state’s refusal, other names have been circulating. Like that of former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who is one of the favourites. A profile that divides within the PS. Internal opponents of the socialist leadership were demanding a vote for non-censorship of a Bernard Cazeneuve government, “based on the NFP programme”.

The leadership preferred to present the ten points on which the PS will not compromise and will ask the future Prime Minister to commit, such as the repeal of the pension reform, the reform of unemployment insurance and the immigration law, the increase in the minimum wage, the green ISF, the taxation of super-profits, measures for schools and health, housing, etc.

“Failing that, we will not participate in any government that is not a government of the New Popular Front. Nor will we be the auxiliaries of a dying Macronism and we will censor any form of extension of this policy,” wrote the PS.

And to conclude: “We must demonstrate that we have heard and understood the message of the French, their concerns, their anger, their hope for a better life.”



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