cloudy degradation in the cool
DayFR Euro

cloudy degradation in the cool

After a beautiful Sunday, this Monday is marked by a deterioration in cloud cover in many regions and still a lot of wind in the south-east.

To remember this Monday

– the passage of a cloudy disturbance to the north accompanied by a few scattered drops

– the arrival of showers in Corsica in the afternoon

– the wind, still strong in the Mediterranean, reaching 100 km/h in gusts

– felt cool everywhere in the afternoon because of the north wind


Change of weather in the north with an overcast sky near the Channel and some showers. In the other regions north of the Loire, clouds become more prevalent as the hours go by. In the south, the sun shines despite the development of large cumulus clouds over the east of Corsica.

Minimum temperatures range from 5 to 9°C with frosts in the central regions. The air becomes milder near the Channel with 11 to 13°C. It is 13 to 15°C around the Mediterranean.

Morning freshness Monday September 16 – © La Chaîne Météo


The sky is very cloudy north of the Loire as far as Alsace with a few showers from Hautes-de-France to the Grand Est. Cumulus clouds are multiplying in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes as well as in Corsica and the Alpes-Maritimes. The sky is cloudy elsewhere. Around the Mediterranean, mistral and tramontane winds are turbulent, blowing up to 100 km/h.

It is cool in the north-east with 14 to 19°C north of the Seine under the clouds and the north wind, milder in Aquitaine with 21 to 23°C, up to 25°C in Languedoc and Roussillon.

Turbulent Mistral and Tramontane winds in the southeast this Monday, September 16 – © La Chaîne Météo


Clouds remain numerous over a large northern half where the wind accentuates the cool feeling. In the south, the clearings and the sun resist, except in the Alpes-Maritimes and especially in Corsica where showers are setting in.

Things to remember in the coming days

The north of the country will experience bright and milder weather thanks to the presence of the British anticyclone, while the south of the country will come under the influence of a depression with sometimes stormy showers and cool weather.

- La Chaîne Météo


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