Weather Sunday September 15: a beautiful autumn day
DayFR Euro

Weather Sunday September 15: a beautiful autumn day

This Sunday, the good weather will be general throughout the country, despite some clouds, south-easterly wind and a remarkable coolness again for mid-September in many regions.

To remember this Sunday

– the great morning freshness with some white frosts in the countryside

– sunshine across 4/5 of the country and a slight thaw in the afternoon

– the mistral and the tramontane still present, blowing at up to 90 km/h

This morning

Except for a few low clouds or patches of mist in the valleys of Auvergne, the sun is out. A few cirrus clouds are flying over the edges of the Channel. The wind is blowing hard near the Mediterranean.

It is very cool with temperatures generally between 3 and 9°C and light frosts between Limousin, Sologne, Poitou, the interior of Normandy and Brittany to the Ardennes and Lorraine. Along the Mediterranean, it is less cool with 10 to 15°C.

First frosts of this end of summer in the plains on September 15 – © La Chaîne Météo

This afternoon

The weather is fine with generous sunshine, despite the arrival of an increasingly thick cloud cover from Brittany to Hauts-de-France. The Mistral and tramontane winds are still blowing strongly from the middle Rhone Valley to Languedoc, Roussillon and Provence with gusts of nearly 90 km/h which maintain the risk of vegetation fires at a very high level, and even extreme between the Pyrénées-Orientales and Aude.

Maximum temperatures are up 1 to 2°C compared to Saturday while remaining below normal with 18°C ​​in Strasbourg, around 20°C in the Paris region and in the Lyon region as well as in the Garonne valleys up to 25°C near the Mediterranean.

Fire danger in the southeast on Sunday – © La Chaîne Météo


The weather remains calm and dry even if the clouds continue to thicken in the northwest, reaching Poitou, the Paris region and the Ardennes. Temperatures drop rapidly as soon as the sun sets.

Things to remember in the coming days

The start of the week is marked by a cloudy deterioration in the north with some showers in the Channel. From Tuesday, it is the south that is affected with the arrival of a Mediterranean depression. Subsequently, cool unstable weather will affect a large southern half while the sun will return to the north thanks to the strengthening of the British anticyclone.

- La Chaîne Météo


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