Anatole Édouard Nicolo, from shadow to light
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Anatole Édouard Nicolo, from shadow to light

AAt 43, boulevard Gaston-Ramon, in a “medium-sized town” with a fortified castle, there is a social home, where Anatole Édouard Nicolo moves in with his mother and brother after his parents’ divorce. At this address, the feeling of shame specific to downgrading is born, in the shadow of which Anatole builds himself and invents the lies that allow him to create an illusion when he is invited by a friend to his pretty house and, later, in front of the girls he “dates” for “to console [son] ego damaged by [sa] shitty life”.

A moving sincerity

All he dreams of is a normal life, in which he wouldn’t hear his mother sobbing behind the bathroom door or see his father, an artist, living in a squat. While his brother (the rapper Georgio) lives his passion, Anatole searches for himself by handing out flyers at the exit of the Paris metro. Near the bronze lion, at the foot of the statue of the Republic, he begins to write. “I wrote about bikes, Uber Eats delivery people, their asses on the saddle, their calves shaped by the miles of time trials.”READ ALSO “Le Point” comes to the Livre sur la place in Nancy

In a café, a stranger who sees him scribbling approaches him. He is not a publisher, but his outstretched hand, and his love, will allow Anatole to become himself. Of a moving sincerity, this coming-of-age novel, already crowned by the Manuscript Prize Envoyé par La Poste, bears witness to the feeling of impos […] Read more


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