Michel Barnier facing an impossible compromise?
DayFR Euro

Michel Barnier facing an impossible compromise?

L’The worrying drift in public finances leaves no doubt. The draft finance law for 2025, which the future government of Michel Barnier will have to submit to the office of the National Assembly before 1is October, will have a whiff of budgetary austerity. “These are 25 to 30 billion euros of annual savings that must be found for the next six or seven years,” recalls the general budget rapporteur in the National Assembly (Liot group) Charles de Courson, solicited by The Point.

Financially, the paths are narrow according to the resigning Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, who summed up on September 9 before the deputies of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly: “There is a French singularity. Once we have spent, we do not know how to disconnect the exceptional measures to save money.”

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Politically, they are even more so, because of the absence of a clear majority in the National Assembly. “Between Michel Barnier’s budget project and the NFP program, there is no possible compromise,” for example, summarizes to the Point the chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Éric Coquerel (La France insoumise). With a promise of 150 billion euros of additional spending by 2027, the program of the union of the left is the opposite of the one that was left on the desk of […] Read more


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