Find out how overweight and obesity have increased in France in 21 years
DayFR Euro

Find out how overweight and obesity have increased in France in 21 years

We suspected it, it is now certain: the overweight and obesity have progressed in France in recent years, and in a significant way.

In a new Barometer, the organization Santé Publique France deplores an increase in declared corpulence between 1996 and 2017, “and this despite the societal evolution taken into account by the corrections and adjustments made”.

A barometer based on the results of telephone surveys

Public Health France specifies that, “In men, the evolution of declared overweight and obesity marks a decrease in the last year studied”, so in 2017, while “Among women, however, the increase appears to be continuing”.

Conducted among 124,541 people aged 18 to 75 (55,356 men and 69,185 women), this barometer is based on the telephone survey results conducted regularly between 1996 and 2017, and with a national sample representative of the French population.

Different trends according to gender

In detail, this study indicates that, among men, the proportion of overweight declared (including obesity) has passed from 40.2% in 1996 to 50.1% in 2017. After a steady progression between 1996 and 2008, the level remained around 48% until 2014. Par…

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