British Prime Minister to mark start of ‘new era’ in Dublin
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British Prime Minister to mark start of ‘new era’ in Dublin

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has arrived in Dublin for the first visit by a British head of government to Ireland in five years. He wants to mark the start of a ” new era of cooperation and friendship ” in relations between the two post-Brexit countries.

With our correspondent in London, Sidonie Gaucher

The Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris welcomed the British Prime Minister to Dublin on Saturday 7 September Keir StarmerThis is the first time a British head of government has returned to Ireland since the divorce of Brexit. As he has already announced for his relations with the Union, Keir Starmer is in Ireland for, in his own words, ” reset » the relations of the United Kingdom with its closest neighbour, on the border with the European Union.

« This is very important to me, to my government, and I think it is time to set the record straight and make these words truly meaningful. “, said Keir Starmer. It is a pleasure to be here and to have the opportunity to renew the friendship between our two countries. »

« Peace, prosperity, mutual respect and friendship »



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