Golden Visa awarded to Palestinian Mahmud Hams for his work in Gaza
DayFR Euro

Golden Visa awarded to Palestinian Mahmud Hams for his work in Gaza

The most prestigious prize at the Visa pour l’Image international photojournalism festival was awarded on Saturday to Palestinian AFP photographer Mahmud Hams for his work on the war in Gaza.

Images of widespread destruction, civilian populations bombed indiscriminately, with an unprecedented number of children killed… It was for a valuable testimony on the carnage of the Israeli army in Gaza that Palestinian photographer Mahmud Hams received the Visa d’or News, Saturday September 7, during the international photojournalism festival Visa pour l’image.

The 44-year-old photographer, who has worked for AFP in the Palestinian territory since 2003, thanked the jury for this prize during a video exchange recorded with Jean-François Leroy, the founding director of Visa pour l’image, and broadcast during the presentation of the prize list.

“I hope the photos we take tell the world that this war and the suffering must end,” Mahmud Hams said in a statement from the agency.

Given the delays in obtaining a visa, he was unable to reach Perpignan in time to receive his prize in person, but he should come to France in the coming weeks, said Stéphane Arnaud, deputy editor-in-chief of AFP for photography, who received it on his behalf.

“Their testimony will remain in history”

With AFP


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