Mexico’s President warns Supreme Court of possible censorship of his reform
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Mexico’s President warns Supreme Court of possible censorship of his reform

In Mexico, the political class and the justice system are shaken by the reform of the judiciary. This is a controversial bill that involves, among other things, a change in the constitution to allow judges to be elected by direct suffrage. Wanted by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the possible involvement of the Supreme Court in the case has provoked the leader’s ire.

With our correspondent in Mexico, Gwendolina Duval

This major judicial reform is wanted by outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. It was hastily approved in the National Assembly, and is now awaiting approval by the Senate.

Also readMexico: Chamber of Deputies approves controversial judicial reform

Except that the Supreme Court of Mexico could get involved. The president of the highest court in the country has opened a consultation to slow down the reform at the request of a magistrates’ association. A standoff has then opened between the president and the head of the judiciary.



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