Édouard Philippe takes up the words of Georges Pompidou

Édouard Philippe takes up the words of Georges Pompidou

POLITICS – Édouard Philippe surprised many observers and took his own political camp by surprise by officially announcing his desire to move to the Élysée. “It is no secret that I will be a candidate in the next presidential election”he said in an interview with Point published Tuesday September 3.

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Three before the deadline, is the mayor of Le Havre not showing impatience? The timing is enough to raise questions, while the President, secluded in the Élysée, is still looking for a Prime Minister for France and uncertainty hangs over the possibility of closing a budget in the coming weeks. And what if, as a wise protagonist of political life, Édouard Philippe knew exactly what he was doing?

This declaration of candidacy reminds those who remember the words used by Georges Pompidou in 1969. Then on an official trip to Rome, the man who was Prime Minister of Charles De Gaulle explained to a few journalists: ” It is no secret that I will be a candidate in a presidential election when there is one.”. The last part of the sentence is important: “when there is one” assumes that it could take place before the scheduled deadline. The future will prove him right, since the head of state resigns a few months later after losing a referendum.

“To resign”

The parallel did not fail to strike the constitutionalist Dominique Rousseau, who spoke on X of a “copy and paste from Édouard Philippe if, by chance, the President were to resign”The political crisis in which the country is mired leaves the door open to the resignation of the head of state, although the person concerned has refuted the idea all summer. However, the mayor of Le Havre is taking great care not to mention 2027 as a deadline.

On the left, the Insoumis continue to brandish the threat of dismissal, repeating the words of Léon Gambetta: “We will have to submit or resign”. The petition launched online by La France insoumise has already collected more than 200,000 signatures. Enough to make Emmanuel Macron give in? In his interview with PointÉdouard Philippe says that in the event of an early presidential election, he will be ready: “I confirm it to you”. According to Politicohe even asked his teams to be ready as early as next spring. In 1969, Georges Pompidou was victoriously elected, gathering more than 58% of the votes.

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