Literary rentrée: The indomitable Camila Sosa Villada

Literary rentrée: The indomitable Camila Sosa Villada

Camila Sosa Villada landed in the literary sky in 2021, like a thunderbolt or a bird of paradise, with The Vilainesa huge success in Argentina, where she was born. She drew inspiration from her own life as a trans woman to tell the story of a handful of prostitutes in Cordoba raising an orphaned baby. Here she is back with this History of a domestication which stages “the worst trans in Argentina” (understand the most disturbing, the most incandescent, the most irresistible), which we will only know under the name of “the actress”which also draws on the experiences of Camila Sosa Villada, born like her in the countryside, a survivor of its homophobia and misogyny.

A feverish need for independence

The actress has diluted the bitterness of her past in an insolent success: an iconic actress, she shares a 320 square meter apartment with her husband, a homosexual lawyer (she, a heterosexual eater, despises him for that) whom she adores and torments in turn, because she controls “the art of removing all support from man, of hurting him, of making promises to him, of threatening him, of drawing for him a world that could be destroyed with a simple sigh.”

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A desire wilder than all the others came to rock their beautiful balance: that of a son, an adopted little boy, HIV-positive, haunted by violent memories and fascinated by the actress. But the latter, although filled […] Read more


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