why doesn’t AI think like us?

why doesn’t AI think like us?

AWith OpenAI’s recent release of o1-preview and o1-mini, two new versions that surpass their predecessor, GPT-4o, in areas such as competitive programming, advanced mathematics, and scientific reasoning, it seems appropriate to rethink how we define artificial intelligence (AI). While these developments demonstrate AI’s ability to perform complex tasks, they also raise the question: on what basis and with what definition of intelligence do we analyze that of machines?

We often tend to compare AI to human intelligence. This is called anthropocentrism: a human-centered worldview that measures everything by our own experience and abilities. This way of thinking can be misleading when it comes to AI. In reality, artificial intelligence does not seek to think like us. Instead, it “processes” information, “performs” calculations and predictions at a speed and scale that we could never achieve.

Fast and accurate data analysis

In medicine, for example, when an algorithm analyzes thousands of images to detect abnormalities like tumors, it doesn’t think like a doctor would. It simply compares data to a large database of previous images, following patterns m […] Read more


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