SCH breaks silence after shooting that left one dead at the end of his concert


“Thank you all for your messages in this difficult time,” wrote SCH in a message published this Thursday on Instagram. This is the first time that the Marseille rapper has spoken out since the shooting that left one person dead on August 26 in La Grande-Motte in Hérault.

And van carrying several of SCH’s relatives had been the target of a burst of automatic weapon fire, near the La Dune nightclub, where the rapper had just performed. One man was killed and another seriously injured. The Marseille rapper was not in the vehicle at the time of the incident.

“Do not relay false information”

“The time has come to support the families and the ongoing investigation,” he added on Instagram, stressing that it is “important to respect this period and not relay false information.”

An investigation into “murder by an organized gang”, “attempted murder by an organized gang” and “participation in a criminal association with a view to preparing the aforementioned crimes” has been opened. It has been entrusted to the Montpellier research section.

SCH, who had cancelled two dates after the events, is due to perform on Saturday 14 September at the Golden Coast rap festival in Dijon. His participation is maintained, according to Vivien Becle, co-founder and artistic director of the festival, who told AFP: “We know all the artists’ desire to perform here and the programme is not changing.”



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