Here’s How Your Hair Can Be Used To Clean Up Oil Spills

Here’s How Your Hair Can Be Used To Clean Up Oil Spills

Hair is known for its lipophilic quality. It can absorb fatty substances in water. One kilo of hair can absorb up to 8 liters of oil. Collecting hair is an ecological solution that has several advantages. Hair, a natural and inexhaustible resource that costs nothing to produce and can be easily recycled. Hair is also useful in agriculture. In particular, it can protect young cabbage shoots and keep snails at bay.

Several countries are tackling oil spill pollution. In the UK, Fry Taylor has successfully brought together over 500 hair salons in the Green Salon Collective. The association aims to use waste hair to make pollution filters and absorb oil spills and chemical waste. Fry Taylor proved the effectiveness of its filter by pouring water into a tank, adding engine oil and placing a cotton net stuffed with hair. Capillary booms were notably used in Mauritius during the oil spill caused by the sinking of a Japanese oil tanker in 2020. They also helped clean up another oil spill in Northern Ireland in 2021.

Founded in 2015 by Thierry Gras, the Coiffeurs Justes association is a major player in hair recycling in France. It raises awareness among hairdressers in France to collect hair cut from customers and reuse it in (…)

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