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In the work Step by step at night (ed. XO), Bamboo layers his pain but also his resilience on paper. Obviously, Serge Gainsbourg occupies a large place there, bamboo, whose real name is Caroline Paulus, having been his last companion. She breaks certain silences, restores certain truth by the voice of this work. In maintenance with Anaïs button for the Podcast RTL Stubbornshe returned in particular to the depression experienced by the artist. A disease that affected him in particular because of his alcohol addiction, and the harmful effects that she had on him. Taking advantage of the opportunity to reveal the sometimes shameful behavior of the entourage of the man at the head of the cabbage. Indeed, Bambou, who is the mother of Lulu Gainsbourg, remembered the existence of dinners where Serge Gainsbourg was “invited to amuse the gallery”. A rather very disturbing story followed.
“They made him drink and after They treated him with dirty alcohol, so it was not very nicesaid bamboo to his interlocutor. They took advantage that he was drunk to tell me super nasty things to me.“But how devil the father of Charlotte Gainsbourg let it make such meanness? Man was then in such a second state that it was impossible for him to achieve what was going on.”It was so drunk that he didn't realize it anymore, and I told him the next day what had happened“, summed up the 65 -year -old actress. It is for this reason that she decided to record some of these moments, in particular the TV passages of her companion. Here again, at the time, the modern poet Was the heyday of the small screen and all the more when it was in a state of drunkenness.
-Shock images for Serge Gainsbourg, which sinks into depression
“When he made TV shows and he even happened to speak because he was so drunk, and so I recorded himsaid Bambou. And I told him 'look, we are never better judge than ourselves'?“And the shock was apparently tough for the one who shared a large part of his life with Jane Birkin, mother of Charlotte.”And so He did a depression for six monthsconcluded Bambou. He didn't think it was at this stage.“Over the pages of his work, we perceive a little more than what the media has kindly made the couple they formed appear. And as during this interview, she speaks with franchise, not evident no part: Addictions, suffering, his relationship with Jane Birkin.
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