with Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade,
Is Plaisance du Gers preparing to fast?
In this town in the Gers where conviviality and good eating are a constant in the field, following a match, an exhibition or a concert, this would surprise us a lot. Yet Plaisance is proud, thanks to its friendships created around its cinema l’Europe since 1985, to be regularly chosen by directors to offer the public a preview of their film. And the public returns it well since the Plaisance cinema is always full during these events!
This was the case, around ten years ago, for the first film on fasting by Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade, mainly showing specialized hospitals in Russia. Very interesting first documentary on “fasting” which can still be found streaming on ARTE.
On the same theme, the second and brand new documentary by these two exceptional directors allows us to discover numerous scientific demonstrations from recent years, which prove the effectiveness of fasting, fasting of course medically supervised. This documentary “Investigation of a phenomenon” (52 minutes) will be broadcast next Saturday January 25 on ARTE at 10:25 p.m.
At almost the same time, this Thursday, October 23 celebrates the official release of the book by the same authors.Fasting, a new therapeutic approach” to the editions of The Discovery.
-If not supervised by a person skilled in the art, any practice can be dangerous. This is why fasting has a bad reputation because some unscrupulous gurus have taken advantage of it to abuse trust. But there are so many honest professionals that we discover in the film and very interesting results to help patients heal that the scales quickly tip to the right side… As with homeopathy or other alternative therapies and complementary to conventional medicine, fasting would remain a practice “ dangerous » on which « science has ultimately proven nothing » ? This is the question that the directors had the courage to face.
The usual reaction from French health authorities comes from reluctance and ignorance. We are indeed a strange country where thinking differently has become almost impossible.
“The other countries (Germany, Switzerland, Italy for the closest ones) are much more open. You only need to travel around Europe and the world to put things into perspective and discover the ridiculousness of these ukases. At the same time as France decrees under Minister Buzin that homeopathy does not cure, Brazil, India, China are increasingly developing this science of the art of healing. It's like for Covid where complementary medicines can! help in prevention and in recovery, which the French health authorities simply refused… For example, in Benin, they did not have any deaths from Covid They applied (without even knowing that this was what was then proposed. Professor Raoult) hydroxychloroquine already very effective for malaria and it worked for Covid Even without vaccines However, I am neither anti-vax nor conspiracy theorist, I travel and I observe. confided one of the participants at the release of the film “Homeopathy, another way” during the last film debate in Plaisance on this theme.
However, on therapeutic fasting, research has never been so abundant, and for Valter Longo, the undisputed pioneer of studies, “ these last ten years have been more important than the previous two thousand.”
Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade therefore felt obliged to urgently return to fasting used for therapeutic purposes. Alongside their new documentary film commissioned by ARTE, their book recounts the latest scientific discoveries carried out in the United States, Germany and Italy… The latest clinical trials reveal surprising promises and have the potential to revolutionize practices. In its therapeutic or preventive form, soon introducing fasting into public health policies that are more “enlightened” and less dogmatic than today is the secret hope of many researchers around the world, including in France. And this is of course the secret hope of the directors of the film and the highly anticipated book in Plaisance du Gers and in the store of the cinema's “cinema-events” partner l’Europe, the bookstore “The reading owl” by Marciac.
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