This Saturday, he reached the jackpot of €539,000, thus beating the previous record, held until then, by the Breton Margaux and her €530,000.
During the first show broadcast at 6:40 p.m. this Saturday evening, the 31-year-old candidate pocketed €20,000, allowing him to reach a prize pool of €538,000. In the second show, Angevin then increased its prize pool by €1,000.
The photographer, present in the game since December 2, continues to impress and break records, in the space of a few days.
-Catching up with Margaux, however, was not a goal
The January 10, he has broke the record for the number of victories (65 victories) and the next day it became 2th greatest maestro of the game. In one week, he managed to catching up with Margaux, who remained the greatest Maestro, for almost five years.
Yet catching up with Margaux, was not an objective for the Angevin, as he told us during an interview: “Margaux is always a little far away. I have a hard time with statistics telling me how I can catch up with Margaux. That’s why, Margaux, it’s not really a goal at the moment”.
Goal now for Benoît? Reach €600,000? Response in the coming days.
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