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“I lost several kilos”, the former Miss Maeva Coucke finally reveals what she has been suffering from for “several weeks”

Maeva Coucke made herself known to the general public by winning the election of Miss 2018. Representing the -Pas-de- region, she quickly established herself as favorite of the French. After her reign, she continued her career by participating in international competitions like Miss Universe, while launching into the modeling and television.

Today she has become a popular influencerfollowed by almost 400,000 subscribers on Instagram. Very active on social networks, she shares moments of her life, between collaborations with brands and inspiration for lifestyle, fashion and travel. But this January 17, Maeva Coucke worried her subscribers. After undergoing emergency surgery the day before New Year’s Eve, she announced worrying news on his state of health.

Maeva Coucke at the heart of a huge controversy

Since her coronation in 2018, Maeva Coucke has seen her private life scrutinizedparticularly during his relationship with François Bonifaci. Between 2022 and 2024, the ex-Miss France shared with her subscribers the ups and downs of their love story. After a breakup followed by a brief reconciliation, their definitive separation sparked numerous comments.

And this media coverage also exposed Maeva to unfounded accusationsnotably that of being a “couple breaker”, which she described as particularly painful. Also, she confided to Star to have been there again target of criticism about his physiqueproof of the constant challenges linked to its notoriety.

Former Miss explains her recent weight loss

Very active on her social networks, François Bonifaci’s ex can boast of bringing together a loyal and caring community. This Saturday, January 17, the former Miss France spoke on Instagram to make a worrying confession about her state of health. “You’ll excuse my sick face, but I’ve actually been sick for several weeks”she announced in the preamble.

The beauty queen explained that she had to undergo more extensive blood tests to understand what she was going through. The results are in: “I know what I have, I have a toxigenic strain called Clostridium difficile”she revealed. She said she contracted the disease after taking antibiotics to treat a whitlowbefore once again demonstrating transparency and proximity to its subscribers.


She confides more about her state of health

Maeva Coucke took the time to discuss her state of health in more detail with her subscribers. Then, she gave reassuring news of her whitlow: “The finger has completely reformed, I just have the nail that needs to grow back.” However, the former Miss France wanted to warn her community against health problems that may occur after the taking antibiotics.

Thus, by sharing her experience, she puts her notoriety at the forefront. awareness service to prevent others from having the same problem. However, in the caption of her story, Maeva deplored a notable side effect : “The most annoying thing about all of this is that I lost several kilos.” A transparency which once again shows its authentic connection with its subscribers.

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