The show dedicated to animals and their owners did not find its audience and after a year of broadcasting, France Télévisions decided to put an end to it.
After several proposals, Sophie Davant has finally agreed to participate in “Dancing with the Stars”. “I have a more flexible schedule and no longer being a partridge of the year, I told myself that I still had to do the show at some point and that this was the opportunity or never »she told us on Thursday January 16 during the press presentation made at the TF1 premises.
A year ago, four months after her departure from “Affaire concluded”, the host launched “In good company” on France 2. If the premiere of the show devoted to animals attracted 678,000 viewers, or 7.9% audience share, the following numbers had a hard time taking off, reaching 350,000 people at the beginning of December, or 3.8% audience share. . Scores well below the expectations of France Télévisions which decided not to renew the program. Nothing to rejoice Sophie Davant.
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“It’s a shame because I found this show to be useful and nice”lamented the host. According to her, the reason for the poor audiences lies in the “difficult programming”. “We had difficulty having regularity, a regular time slot, alternating with sporting events”she recalled. And for good reason, “In good company” was first scheduled on Saturday afternoon then on Sunday and was often canceled due to competitions.
However, Sophie Davant felt that France Télévisions could have made an effort. “Having the desire to make a show about pets, I would have liked them to invest a little more, both in terms of programming and in terms of budget. I am obviously saddened”she declared somewhat bitterly.
After almost forty years of collaboration, Sophie Davant is no longer under contract with France Télévisions. “I changed my status, I am no longer on a permanent contract”, she informed us. This is also why she participates in “Dancing with the Stars”. Nevertheless, the 60-year-old host wanted to inform her employer. “I received encouragement”she assured.
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