Muriel Robin “transformed” by her last trip with her wife Anne Le Nen
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Muriel Robin “transformed” by her last trip with her wife Anne Le Nen

In recent weeks, Muriel Robin and her wife Anne Le Nen flew to Africa for the trip of a lifetime. Back in France, they confide in us about their stay which completely “overwhelmed” them.

Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen are inseparable. In a relationship for eighteen years, they even got married on February 20, 2021 in front of their loved ones and a few celebrities, including Line Renaud. In recent weeks, the couple flew to Rwanda to discover a new culture. On Instagram this Sunday, September 15, Muriel Robin and her wife shared several photos and confided in each other after spending a few days “in the heart of the Rwandan mountains” : We return upset. Indeed, they reveal that “This journey was a true cataclysm, at once human, historical and spiritual”: “We were shaken by the beauty of the souls we met there. The Rwandan people, with their unwavering resilience and their disarmingly warm welcome, touched us indelibly. Their courage and dignity command respect and admiration.

Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen experienced a “life lesson” in Rwanda : “We leave here transformed.

During their trip, they were able to meet the mountain gorillas and discover them in their natural environment thanks to the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund: “A crazy intense experience. They seem to carry within them an ancestral wisdom, a silent kindness, and a conscience that cannot be ignored. And in their eyes we found a part of ourselves…” Marked forever by what they experienced thousands of kilometers from home, they thank the Rwandan people not only for the welcome, but for “this life lesson” et “this emotional tsunami that shook [leurs] soul[s]” : “We leave here transformed. There are journeys that offer new perspectives on our world and on what constitutes its true wealth, a wealth that is measured neither in gold nor in precious stones, but in shared lives, in shared glances, in touched souls…

After their trip, she embarks on a new project together

Inseparable in their personal and professional lives – we remember their collaboration in the series Master Crimes on TF1 –, they have decided to embark on a new project. Indeed, the two women have announced the upcoming opening of their restaurant in the south of France.Muriel and I are delighted to embark on a new adventure in Nice, with the imminent opening of a restaurant that is particularly close to our hearts: La Cantine de Jo.“, indicated Anne Le Nen on Instagram. Customers will be able to enjoy “the great classics of French cuisine” In “a warm and welcoming setting“. And there’s no question of spending a fortune since they promise”affordable prices“.


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