The footage went viral within moments. Sunday evening, viewers of Seven to eight on TF1 discovered the incredible story of Anne, a French woman who was the victim of an online scam. The decorator told the camera how a man managed to fool her by pretending to be American actor Brad Pitt. Using photomontages and sound documents generated by artificial intelligence, the grazer – who is believed to be a Nigerian – pretended to need money to pay for an operation related to kidney cancer. He managed to extract more than 800,000 euros from Anne.
Followed by 2.95 million viewers, the sequence then looped on social networks, earning Anne cruel mockery. TFC, the Toulouse football club, posted a message on X accompanied by a photomontage full of irony: “Hello Anne, Brad told us he would be at the Stadium on Wednesday for #TFCLAVAL. And you ? ». Very amused by the misadventure of the fifty-year-old, Netflix also posted a message on X listing several films available on its platform in which the American star appears. “4 films to see with Brad Pitt (I promise) it’s a gift”the streaming service said.
The cruelty of the camp of Good
Faced with the outpouring of hatred and mockery, TF1 preferred to remove the report from all its platforms. A decision taken by mutual agreement between Éléphant, the producer of Seven to Eight. “The report broadcast this Sunday sparked a wave of harassment against a witness. For the protection of victims, we have decided to remove it from our platforms”the show presented by Harry Roselmack justified itself.
It must be said that Anne has difficulty recovering from her misadventure. Ruined, she is currently in a center for severe depression and has tried several times to end her life. But nothing to discourage France Inter from attacking the unfortunate woman. Tuesday January 14, Matthieu Noël thus devoted a mocking column to this French woman who is “fallen for the trap” after a first message sent by a person first presented as Brad Pitt's mother. “Believe it or not, but it is this first message which will give confidence to the victim who will find it completely normal for the actor to then contact her by PM: 'Kikou miss!'mocked the public service comedian. Brad demonstrated great listening skills since his second message was 'Are you okay?'. Yes, 'That' with an S, but it's already nice that an American makes the effort to write in French! »
Everyone will have understood the message: you have to be an idiot to fall for it. “No question of making fun of Anne! Here, we don't judge! »defended the radio jester, just to protect himself from any cruelty trial. Here's another scam that won't fool anyone either.
-Anne's story illustrates the malevolence of these representatives of the camp of Good who give moral lessons all day long, but persist without restraint when the circumstances lend themselves to it. Anne happens to be French, white and from a wealthy background. Question: if his profile had been different, would France Inter not have worn more gloves?
Kindness and decency are clearly not due to everyone. Some people have to do without it, even when they are going through difficult trials. Marine Le Pen, for example, was not given the respect due to her on the day of her father's funeral. She was forced to endure attacks from a journalist from Monde who had crashed the family ceremony and refused to leave.
The great principles and beautiful values are quickly forgotten when you have the opportunity to spit on your enemy or make the gallery laugh.
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