In the casting of this film, created by Baptiste Lalieu, alias the singer Saule, and Samuel Tilman, there are four actors who have shone in Belgian series: Karim Barras (The Truce), Félix Vannoorenberghe (Coyotes), Camille Sansterre (Attraction) and Laura Sepul (Attraction et Barracks). The latter plays Léa, a woman who works in well-being, a fan of gentle therapies, vegan food and tea. The Belgian explains to us how this shoot was a special experience in her life as an actress. “I’ve always loved horror movies, I don’t know why“, she says. “What interested me about Airplane Mode was the technical challenge of shooting with five cameras in 360 degrees. It was a challenge.“
What was unusual about experiencing on set?
“There were real surveillance cameras in the setting. We never knew where we were going to be filmed. This brings a certain tension because we are likely to be in the image all the time.“
That must take a lot of energy…
“Enormously. It’s even exhausting. When filming was over, we were all on edge. But, it was a great experience.“
Timothée, the kid only 16 years old, amazed Pierre Hermé, world pastry star, and won “Best pastry chef”
Without giving too much away, this film highlights the dangers of social media. How do you view these?
“I am the mother of children aged 11 and 18 so, as a parent, it scares me. I’m relieved that neither of them has been under that kind of pressure until now. But, I know that we can’t have control over everything. We must accept the dark side of social networks. Our children can find themselves in the role of the bullied or the bully. Both sides are very hard to deal with as a parent. How should we behave in the face of all this? Pay attention and listen I would say. I am also in favor of banning telephones at school.”
However, for the profession of actress, being on social networks is essential these days…
“Yes because the more followers we have, the more it allows us to land roles. It’s good for the image. In Spain, for example, they don’t call you if you don’t have enough followers. “
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