Actress Kim Yaroshevskaya, known for playing the vigilante Fanfreluche and the sweet grandmother in the legendary children’s show Pass-Partout, left us this Sunday morning, at the venerable age of 101, and the tributes to this great lady are multiplying.
• Also read: “I remember from her her curiosity, her courage and her capacity for wonder,” confides Pascale Montpetit who was at Kim Yaroshevskaya’s bedside on the day of her death.
• Also read: Fanfreluche and Grandmother in Pass-Partout: actress Kim Yaroshevskaya dies at 101
Louise Latraverse published a beautiful tribute on his Facebook page.
“Kim, my dear Kim, when I managed to say Yaroshevskaya correctly, I wanted to go to Russia with you. And you laughed and said, when are we leaving? Our celebrations at Pauline and Gérald’s at Carré St-Louis. That’s often where I found you and at the theater, of course! We loved you! You were our treasure. Thank you for all the kind words you had for me, for all of us. I will always love you. See you soon! Xxx,” she wrote.
The actress and columnist Louise Deschâtelets confided to Journal :
“She was a very cultured woman who loved all forms of the arts and who had a boundless imagination. She was funny, even at the grocery store. Unfortunately, I never shared the stage or the screen with her, but we had a good mutual friend, we knew each other and we always crossed paths (we both live on Nuns’ Island) with pleasure. I found that she didn’t age, she was still sparkling. She actually had the same character as my childhood idol: Fanfreluche. And she remained surprisingly lucid and lively! »
Chantal Poirier / JdeM
The actress Isabelle Cyr published a long message in honor of the late actress.
“Fanfreluche will tell a story in its own way, Fanfreluche will tell a story for… eternity. Your great book closes today dear Kim Yaroshevskaya, but your work will be told forever in the great history of storytelling, television, theater, cinema, the great story of life. I write these words, my eyes filled with tears, my soul overwhelmed as if a part of me was disappearing…. Your great book is closing, but your story will remain engraved in our hearts, in our books forever. – she writes in particular.
The actor Martin Héroux published a touching message as well as photos of the actress over time.
“She has done so much for the imagination, among the big and small children here, by tenderly and joyfully telling us tales from here and everywhere! Thank you great great Kim Yaroshevskaya! By making children dream, we learn to grow as adults while always keeping our hearts on the lookout for the marvelous that is everywhere!! Have a great last adventure!!! »
The actress Marina Orsini left this touching message:
“Another page of my childhood that is passing away,” wrote actress Marina Orsini on her Instagram page. Thank you my Fanfreluche, thank you dear Kim. Have a good trip.”
The Artists Union praised his work. “Kim Yaroshevskaya, who embellished the lives of several generations of young and old children, has left us,” it says. Many will have been marked by his interpretation of Fanfreluche or Grand-Mère in Pass-Partout.»
“We will not be able to forget her roles on TV, in the cinema and in the theater, where she played the great playwrights like Dostoyevsky, Chekhov and Tennessee Williams,” we add. Our sincere condolences to his loved ones, his family and all those touched by his characters.”
“Thank you Fanfreluche for telling us beautiful tales in your way,” wrote the Prime Minister of Quebec, François Legault, on X. My condolences to all those close to Kim Yaroshevskaya.”
“Goodbye, Yaroshevskaya, for her part, wrote the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, on
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