After a stormy separation, the former friends of the YouTube channel Vilebrequin, Sylvain Lyve and Pierre Chabrier, engage in battle via videos. On January 9, the first named responded to an accusatory video of which he was the victim. He does not spare his former colleague.
“Pierre Chabrier lied to you” is the title of Sylvain Lyve’s latest video, which has been widely talked about on various online platforms. Five words which set the tone of an incriminating monologue against his ex-associate, against whom he has many things to say…
“Theft, lies, manipulation”, Sylvain Lyve did not mince his words for 54 minutes against his former partner, Pierre Chabrier. The influencer specializing in the automotive world responded to a video from his former colleague.
The videographer explains: “I changed my mind.” While he had not previously responded to a video dating from last August violently criticizing him, Sylvain Lyve decided to counterattack. He talks about his partnership with Pierre Chabrier, for the channel with 2.5 million subscribers “Vilebrequin”.
a revealing trip to Germany
Providing evidence, he says in a key passage of his video that Pierre Chabrier appropriated the money that remained in the two men’s company account, some 232,867 euros. He also accuses the LCL bank branch in Chantilly of having participated in this dishonest process.
One of the other most commented on passages of this video is the videographer’s return to the “1000tipla affair”, this iconic car shared by the two men as an asset of their joint company. Pierre Chabrier accused Sylvain Lyve of having bought it at a ridiculous price, which he could not communicate for legal reasons. The latter brushed aside this explanation and explained that he had bought the collector’s vehicle for the tidy sum of 132,000 euros. A figure that he reveals he obtained after asking a sworn automobile expert.
Another part is devoted to Sylvain Lyve’s explanation of the separation between the two influencers. He explains that this decision matured gradually before materializing during a trip to Germany, to the Nürburgring, a legendary automobile circuit located in the city of Nürburg.
For Sylvain Lyve, this filming must have been decisive as he had waited his whole life to travel to this prestigious place. He therefore took advantage of this moment to realize that his association was no longer working and criticized his ex-partner for his “abject” behavior towards him and that of the team. He also emphasizes the lack of passion of his former colleague, who did not want to stay piloting when the opportunity was presented to them. Even if he recognizes that “the end of Vilebrequin is a set of small subjects”, this episode seems to have been a turning point for the two YouTubers.
He notably returned to Pierre Chabrier’s accusation explaining that Sylvain Lyve made the relatives of the two men sign contracts to protect his image and his business. The content creator claims that it was Pierre Chabrier who made him sign a clause prohibiting him from speaking negatively about himself. A clause that he had therefore insisted on respecting, until the release of this last video.
“All the people who had the choice to follow Pierre or Sylvain made the choice to follow Sylvain”
Sylvain accuses his former partner of having published his accusatory video to promote his next project, the opening of a bar in the Oise. He even said that, according to him, Pierre Chabrier also coveted the car they shared, the 1000tipla, to display it in his host location.
In his video, published on August 15, Pierre Chabrier notably returned to his separation from Sylvain Lyve and said he was “sorry, sad, disgusted with the turn” that the relationship between them had taken.
He also explained, overcome by emotions, that he had thought about dying and that he wanted his suffering to end. A passage which did not fail to move the general public. But even on this point, his new enemy, Sylvain Lyve, accused him of lying. He explains in his latest publication why these are fake tears, returning to Pierre Chabrier’s past as an actor and his proven ability to cry on command, in particular by rubbing mint crystals under his eyes.
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