In his show As an asideNathalie Lévy receives a personality with whom she discusses her current affairs, but also the highlights of her career. This Thursday, January 9, 2025, she spoke with Gad Elmaleh, who made his return to the stage with his show Himself. On December 11, the actor set down his bags in Montreal, Canada, where he had performed it 30 years earlier. “On December 10, 1994, I played my very first show for the first time in Montreal in front of 40 people, including 30 from my family. 30 years later (to the day), I return to where it all began to celebrate in front of 10,000 people. With pride, joy and above all a lot of gratitude. Thank you for your loyalty“, he posted last September on his Instagram page.
As an aside : Gad Elmaleh speaks frankly about his alcohol consumption
During the show As an asideNathalie Lévy returned to the “sobriety” by Gad Elmaleh, who decided to give up alcohol completely in 2021. “You no longer toast in the evening. You were what you describe as an asymptomatic alcoholic…“, she told him. To which he reacted: “I understood by stopping drinking alcohol that I was aiming for sobriety, but I was not aiming for physical sobriety… The sobriety that I am aiming for today is emotional, spiritual, intellectual (…) Sobriety is not about not drinking alcohol, because not drinking alcohol in the face of sobriety is a detail, one of the things that leads us to sobriety.“.
“I still have anger, resentment sometimes, impatience…“
The comedian then confided where he was in his quest for sobriety. “I’m not completely there yet… I still have anger, resentment sometimes, impatience, unnecessary haste, useless excitement, false joybut I’m looking for this sobriety, I’m trying to wait for it. This attempt at sobriety was explored by stopping alcohol.“, he said. And to continue on his past with alcohol: “I made myself believe that I needed this to feel good. It made me believe that I needed that to be comfortable in society, with a woman on a date, to be comfortable with new friends, in a meeting, it’s a vicious circle“.
As an asideto be found in full on the application myCANAL.
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