“95% of people who watch us are super happy with his journey. Then, there are those who are not extremely benevolent, even capable of pretending that they have an earpiece. To those, I tell them to come and see on set how it goes.”. This is how Jean-Luc Reichmann responded in an interview with Le Parisien to those who criticize the fact that Emilien is still in the game. Some criticize the favoritism of the production but the host decided to silence the rumors once good once and for all. “After all these years, how can anyone imagine that there is cheating? As soon as I ask him a question, he rolls out the ball of information. Let these detractors register and come and confront him. I long to have someone at least as strong as Émilien!” he insisted to our colleagues.
Bruno Hourcade defends Emilien
For his part, Bruno Hourcade, great number 2 in the game, also defended the current champion. At Télé-Loisirs, he confirmed that Emilien was not helped, but that he still has a major asset. “The fact of not being a novice is still a real plus. I saw a lot of people who really had an incredible level, who scared me, and who completely melted away during this round.” he explained. He also returned to the famous cousinâtes, this weekend between the former candidates of the game to which Emilien has not yet been invited.
The champion not invited to the “Cousinades”?
At Télé-Loisirs, he therefore confided that “It’s so cool to be there” and add that “This is where we see that the casting of the show is still very well done, because we are all very different on a human level, but at the same time, we all love each other”. Regarding the absence of Emilien, Bruno indicated that the champions still in the competition were not welcome. For what ? “It’s an adventure that you normally do once in your life and the goal is really to stay in your bubble, to appreciate the moment“, he justified himself. Then clarified that he had not been included immediately either. “I said: ‘This weekend, there’s no filming, I can come if you want.’ They told me: ‘Oh no, when the Midday Master is in class, we don’t invite him’”, he remembered.
In a previous interview with Télé 7 jours, he told us more about this short weekend. “Every year, we meet during the 12 cousinade. It’s a weekend between us, it’s usually in May and we enjoy 3/4 days together. When we met again at the end of June, beginning of July for filming, we hadn’t been apart for very long. All of this contributes to a superb atmosphere and that’s also why we all come back. There are several who say that they no longer have a chance against Xavier for example and so when they come back it is mainly for the pleasure of being together again.” the former number 1 explained to us.
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