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Michel Cymes tells us about this funny mention that teachers always put in his report cards

His teachers probably wouldn’t have thought that he would end up becoming the most famous doctor in France. Indeed, as Michel Cymes told us on June 25, 2024, in our podcast Dhombres et de lumières, he didn’t seem very focused when he was at school. The doctor who is full of ideas and is preparing to propose a new concept to the management of France Télévisions – which should touch on medicine, anthropology, and the evolution of the human species – has always had trouble channeling his energy at school. Indeed, he was asked how his teachers managed to manage all his energy when he was younger. It seems that it wasn’t easy. “Given my academic results, I think my parents had trouble making me work,” the man who seriously injured his thumb initially told us. “In my report cards that I saw not long ago, it always said: ‘He always only thinks about entertaining the gallery’. So even when I was little, I only thought about clowning around in class,” he added.

The doctor nevertheless understood late in life why he had always had difficulty staying focused on one thing for long minutes. “I have always had difficulty, because of attention deficit disorder, in learning lessons without moving, without moving… But I only found out late, not very long ago. Today, all the teams that work (…)

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