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Cyril Hanouna soon to be censored and banned from the air? The host rants, “There is a relentlessness”

Rather than going on vacation, as was initially planned, Cyril Hanouna finally took advantage of the organization of new legislative elections, improvised after the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, to return to radio. From June 17 to 28, 2024, the usual host of TPMP therefore animated We walk on the head on Europe 1, a program sold as an analysis of political news.

Cyril Hanouna’s show in the sights of Arcom

Problem? This one made more teeth grind than anything else because of the lack of bias reproached to Cyril Hanouna and his teams. And for good reason, where the floor was easily granted to members of the right and the extreme right, the left – represented by the New Popular Front, was (virtually) absent from the airwaves.

A situation deemed unacceptable by Arcom which, after an initial warning, put Europe 1 on notice for a “lack of moderation and honesty” within the show. The virulence and “often derogatory and outrageous terms” of the team uttered towards France Insoumise and the NFP.

“There is a real relentlessness”

However, as one might expect, Cyril Hanouna did not appreciate this reaction at all. Also, the host took advantage of his last show broadcast this Friday, June 28, 2024 to let out a rant. Convinced that he was being persecuted, the latter did not hide his anger by believing that they were trying to gag him.

Radio broadcasts which take formal notices or which interest Arcom after two days do not existhe growled behind his microphone. [Sur d’autres radios] they say crazy things and they have never had any sanctions“. To this end, he wants as an example what was said on France Inter – notably via the comedy show The Great Sunday Evening, where artists never hesitate to attack the government or the RN. “Imagine if I had made a song against the Popular Front, we would have been fined millions of euros“, he whispered.

A feeling of “Two weights, two measures“which Cyril Hanouna does not appreciate, to the point of seeing him slip into the skin of a supposed living target.”There is really a relentlessness at the Arcom level against me – and there we see it, it’s not the channel, it’s not C8, (…) I find it extremely serious“, he insisted. Before adding further: “We laugh about it, but I think there’s something behind it… We’re not crazy. Arcom does not impose sanctions like that at random“.


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