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No stress in the cold: Jimmy Mohamed's essential tips

By Ari Guardiola | Journalist

If she has made her (obvious) choice between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, there is no question of deciding who she prefers between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton. Pisces ascendant Aquarius, she is endowed with a sixth sense which helps her to unearth the most hidden information about your favorite stars.

A cold wave hits . And Doctor Jimmy Mohamed is here to help you avoid making these three mistakes.

Don't panic in the face of the cold: Jimmy Mohamed's essential health tips Portrait of Jimmy Mohamed in © Cédric Perrin/Bestimage© BestImage, CEDRIC PERRIN / BESTIMAGE

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If Instagram's algorithms allow us to have content adapted to our interests, some of them are found in almost everyone. Thus, health is a field that affects the greatest number of people, and few people have not yet come across one of the always very successful videos of Jimmy Mohamed. And the latest one comes at just the right time as winter made a resounding entrance this Thursday and Friday in France. Indeed, the doctor who needs no introduction, followed by more than a million people on Instagram, almost two million on TikToktells us about three mistakes not to make when it's cold.

The first is not to drink“, begins the one that we find in place of Michel Cymes In The Health Magazine (France 5). It's not because it's cold that you shouldn't hydrate, he reminds us on camera, under the snow. “Because the air which is very cold, it can be very painful for the bronchi, and therefore it will have to be warmed up. And how do we heat the air? Well by moistening it“, confides Jimmy Mohamed. Due to this process, the body loses water when it is very cold. “So you absolutely must hydrate and don't wait until you're thirsty.“, he concludes. Especially since the cold can alter the perception of thirst, particularly because the extremities will be very cold.

Jimmy Mohamed helps you brave the cold

Second mistake mentioned by the scientist author of Zero constraints to stay young (ed. Flammarion): believe that you absolutely have to eat fat. “That's true if you work outside, if you're a logger, but if you have a normal activity, you are warm, well equipped, you will not burn more caloriesso if you eat more, why not, but you will gain fat and you will gain weight“, he says. Finally, last thing, the doctor and father of three children born from his love affair with his wife Souailla addresses the bald people. “If you are bald, wear a hat, because when you are bald, you lose a lot of heat from the scalp and therefore you tend to get cold much more quickly.“, he explains. You must therefore protect your head.


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