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When Michel Boujenah refuses to give up the air

Michel Boujenah, on the set of the France 2 morning show.
Screenshot – Télématin – France 2

Guest on “Télématin” this Saturday, June 29 on France 2, the comedian and actor surprised (and amused) everyone when it came to ending the show.

There were many guests this Saturday June 29 on the set of the France 2 morning show “Télématin”. Among them: the head of the legal department of the SPA, Tamara Guelton, the political scientist Bruno Cautres, the auctioneer Chloë Collin and the comedian and actor Michel Boujenah. Coming to promote the Ramatuelle Festival (July 29 – August 12, 2024) which he has directed for 17 years, he stood out for his somewhat lively reaction when the time came to go on air.

Very much in his element as usual, he was discussing with Maya Lauqué and Damien Thévenot the Provençal event and many other things, such as the upcoming “Grand échiquier”, a special for Raymond Devos, which he will co-present with Claire Chazal. The time had come to go off the air but the comedian was still talking. The two hosts tried to warn him but the comedian was still talking.

Read alsoMichel Boujenah says goodbye to his “Magnifiques”, the characters who made him famous

Soon to be in charge of a tribute to Raymond Devos

So much so that they ended up having to interrupt it, so as to leave the field free for “Bel & bien”, the next show, scheduled for 9:30. Michel’s reaction surprised everyone. “They just have to postpone the next show. You’re kidding me!”, he said, half-seriously and half-amused before asking, to the laughter of the audience, what the following program was about and the names of its presenters. What an actor this Boujenah!

Read also“Dirty Arab! Dirty Jew!”: Michel Boujenah recounts his difficult arrival in France in “A Sunday in the Country”

On July 11, viewers will find him on France 2 alongside Claire Chazal and Danny Boon, for a Grand échiquier tribute to Raymond Devos, who died twenty years ago of a stroke. “Together, they will bring back to life the most memorable sketches of the man in the blue suit. (…) Anecdotes, rare archives and unpublished testimonies will punctuate this program, offering viewers an invigorating immersion in the unique world of this outstanding stage performer,” the channel said in a press release.


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