DayFR Euro

“Where did he say that…

France TV (DR) / The Guest (DR)

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

While he makes a triumphant return with his album and his tour “Sang pour sang”, a true tribute to his father, David Hallyday is also increasingly present in the media. It was on this occasion that he spoke in a long interview with “Pure People”, in which he notably discussed his childhood with his star parents Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday…

As Maxime Le Forestier sang: “You don’t choose your parents, you don’t choose your family.” This is how David Hallyday found himself propelled into a form of effervescence from a very young age, he who was born in 1966 from the love of Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan, the most prominent couple of the time.

His father having been generally absent for a long time, before the two men met again at the end of the 1990s, it was mainly with his mother that young David grew up, particularly in the United States. So many decades later, with hindsight and a lifetime of experience behind him, what does he think of this crazy time and the education he received?

David Hallyday grateful to Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday

At the microphone of Pure People, the man who composed the magnificent album “Sang pour sang” for his father gave a rather positive assessment of these parents like no other:

I learned a lot by witnessing their lives already, that is to say that when I started doing this job myself, touring and doing promotion, I already had some background, let’s say… I had already learned by force of circumstance, I had life lessons that are part of my education, which I try to pass on to my children.

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Beyond what he learned simply by being in contact with them, David Hallyday is grateful to his parents for giving him the freedom he yearned for:

We come from a generation where our parents said: “The kid has to have his own experiences,” so I’m very lucky in that regard. I don’t remember hearing: “Pay attention to this, to life…” I had life lessons.

Not to spoil anything, the “Taulier” and Sylvie Vartan quickly understood that their son had a particular appetite for music, and that he intended to make a career in the same world as his parents. So they encouraged him from the start, which David Hallyday always remembered. He explains thus:

They saw very young that I had musical abilities, from the age of 4-5. And when I told them that my life was going to be music, composing for other people or making film music – at the time, I didn’t think I would sing already – they favored that. They saw that I was made like that.

While he could have been disoriented by his name, the ambient celebrity that surrounded him and the shadow of his father, David Hallyday quickly forged a solid and independent character. Far from criticizing his parents for the sometimes “rock and roll” childhood that he was able to live, the fifty-year-old seems on the contrary grateful for their approach with him. Nice words.


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