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Élodie Gossuin reacts to the arrival of Laëtitia Milot in Le Meilleur pâtissier on M6: “To be honest…”

Elodie Gossuin doesn’t hold it against M6. Last April, Laëtitia Milot announced exclusively in the columns of Télé 7 Jours that she was going to become the new host of the Best pastry chef : “I told myself that I would take this on as a new role. I didn’t say yes right away. I gave myself some time to think before agreeing. I am passionate about cooking in general, and although I don’t watch much television, Le Meilleur Pâtissier is one of the programs, like Top Chef, that I enjoy watching.“, with explained the actress revealed in Plus belle. Laëtitia Milot succeeds Marie Portolano, who had left M6 to join Telematin on France 2.

Élodie Gossuin delighted for Laëtitia Milot

When the departure of Marie Portonalo for France Télévisions was announced, the name of Élodie Gossuin was sometimes mentioned on the Web to become the new presenter of Best Pastry Chef. Miss France 2001 is a face of the group M6she who notably hosted several musical shows on Six and on W9 these last years. Finally, the ex-beauty queen saw Laëtitia Milot arrive to everyone’s surprise on the channel. Near 7 Days TVÉlodie Gossuin reacted in all honesty to this announcement: “It is true that I had received, in a rather flattering way, many messages telling me that I would like to succeed Marie Portolano… and, to be honest, I replied, at that time, that I liked the idea, as I am such a fan of the show and its human dimension!

A brand new show for Élodie Gossuin on M6

Despite everything, Élodie Gossuin feels no sense of disappointment: “Absolutely not !“, she assures, while rejoicing at the arrival of Laëtitia Milot on the show. “I think it fits Laëtitia Milot like a glove. I can’t do everything anyway, and M6 already had this gift that is Show Me Your Voice in store for me. And I am extremely honored!“Élodie Gossuin will indeed host a brand new show on July 8 alongside Issa Doumbia. A real pleasure for the host, who has been working with the comedian for a while: “We know each other’s flaws and qualities. It saved us time, we know where we complement each other. I have a “schoolteacher” side, very square, while Issa is a little more crazy. He is an incredible showman, and his talents as a comedian and actor have allowed me to be freer. I learned to let go. I finally give myself the right to no longer be smooth.


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