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Kylian Mbappé has a good time with Maëva Coucke, ex Miss France

He is the most prominent French footballer and especially the most coveted bachelor: Kylian Mbappé’s every move is spied on and off the pitch. While in Cannes at the end of May, he was charmed by a young stranger who created a buzz.

But the former PSG player also spent an evening in very charming and famous company. This was revealed Thursday evening by Amélie Bitoun, TV host and columnist for “Touche pas à mon poste even l’été” on C8.

She says she ran into the star of the French national team in a Cannes nightclub. “I see Kylian Mbappé, so we spent the evening with him. There were very few people, his sister, his fairly well-known hairdresser friend (editor’s note: Brice Tchaga) and… I won’t say who, but Kylian Mbappé really likes Miss France,” she said, obviously piquing the curiosity of all the columnists.

“He was accompanied throughout the evening by a Miss France. They both spent the evening, they didn’t let each other go,” continued Amélie Bitoun. Several names were thrown out and the columnist agreed with the name of Maëva Coucke, Miss France 2018. “They had a very good and honorable evening,” she insisted.

Note that Maëva Coucke, who celebrates her 30th birthday this Friday, announced on Instagram last April that she was getting back together with her ex, François Bonifaci, with whom she had broken up at the beginning of the year.


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