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“I can’t take cocaine, much to my dismay”: Arthur jokes about his disability

He is preparing the return of « Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? » on TF1, for the 25th anniversary of the show. At 58, Arthur has lost none of his ambitions on the first channel. Host and producer, the businessman grew up between radio and television. And this, despite a serious handicap which could have ruined everything.

Indeed, this June 19, 2024, while he participated in the podcast Génération Do It Yourself by Matthieu Stefani, the PAF star revealed that he had “ a problem since birth.” Arthur explained: “I am deaf in my right ear and I have blocked sinuses.”.

Arthur jokes about his disability

And to add: “When I was a kid, I regularly suffered from ear infections. I had a paracentesis and I became deaf in my right ear. .

Not enough to make him unhappy, since Arthur even jokes: “Which means I can’t take cocaine to my great despair“. Essential for more than thirty years, Cyril Hanouna’s best enemy has in fact found how not to disrupt his career in the media.

He explains in detail: “ I wear an earpiece on my right side during my TV shows, not so that people can talk to me, but so that I can hear my guests.”.

He even finds an advantage

And this handicap has its drawbacks but also its advantages, in the private sphere, Arthur also assures. Mareva Galanter’s husband, who is the father of three children: Samuel, Aaron and Manava, has found a way to sleep peacefully!

When he’s not working, Arthur knows he can easily find rest at home. It thus ensures: “The advantage if I want to sleep is that I rest my head on my left ear and my wife can watch a movie, I do not hear anything !«


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