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“I’ve always been in love with her”: Pierre Arditi reveals he fell for a famous actress and it’s not Évelyne Bouix

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little neck pleasure

Invited on the set of Jordan de Luxe in his show “Chez Jordan” on C8, Pierre Arditi spoke about his childhood, his state of health, his wife Evelyne Bouix but not only that! The actor also revealed the name of the famous actress who, at one time, made his head spin and with whom he assured to have been in love.

Jordan de Luxe welcomed Pierre Arditi on his show on C8 called “Chez Jordan”, who spoke about his childhood, his state of health, his wife Evelyne Bouix but not only that! The actor also revealed the name of the famous actress who, at one time, made his head spin. © D8, Chez Jordan

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Last February, invited on the set of What a time! on France 2, Pierre Arditi returned to his state of health and also took the opportunity to discuss his relationship which has lasted several decades with Evelyne Bouix, his wife. His comments then sparked a lively controversy… “I have two lives in my life, it is the theater and Evelyne Bouix, I can’t say anything more”he had begun. Then he added without filter: “If she ever leaves me I’ll kill her, but she won’t leave me because thank God I will leave before her”. Au Parisianthe main interested party explained last May: “He is a whole man and his words exceed his thoughts. I don’t know why he said something like that, especially now. He’s the opposite of a violent man.”

Guest this Friday June 28 on the set of Jordan de Luxe in his show entitled At Jordan’s, on C8, the actor spoke about many subjects. He obviously mentioned his dear and tender wife but not only that. Pierre Arditi also spoke about his health, his childhood and he revealed the name of this French icon with whom he was very in love but with whom, unfortunately, nothing happened. Indeed, in front of the columnist, the husband of Evelyne Bouix confided: “Brigitte Bardot, I was in love with her, I have always been in love with her like all 17 year olds.” Jordan de Luxe then asked him if he had “Really” been in love or if that was a way of speaking. He confirmed by specifying that he had not done everything to meet her either because he is not “hysterical”.

A surprising observation…

“I loved seeing her in the cinema. First of all, because she was a very good actress. In The truth of alwaysshe is absolutely brilliant, she has crazy charm. Long live Mary, it was great. She was playing with Jeanne Moreau who was a little older than her but hey… That is to say that when Brigitte entered the image, we only saw her! The other was an established actress but she didn’t have what the other had. he even detailed. Pierre Arditi then said that he had never met her in real life but that he had still been able to talk with her.

Indeed, it was during a telephone exchange that the actor was able to hear the voice of Brigitte Bardot. “We spoke on the phone on a Christine Bravo show. She said to me: ‘I’m very happy to hear from you’. I told her that I am too and then she said to me: ‘We’ll still have to go on a little diet’,” he remembered with a smile on his face. Jordan de Luxe did not fail to burst out laughing. Then Pierre Arditi continued, explaining that she told him that at his age he had to do “a little diet” and the extra pounds were lost “quickly”. And to conclude: “I lost”.


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