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“Be respectful!”: Caroline Roux taken to task by Jordan Bardella after a heated exchange with Gabriel Attal (VIDEO)

Two days after that of TF1 – where Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella multiplied the muscular exchanges -, France 2 offered a debate around the legislative elections this Thursday, June 27, 2024 in the first part of the evening.

Caroline Roux had the mission of refereeing this debate led by the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, and the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure. Like what happened Tuesday evening on TF1, the first two guests had a series of virulent exchanges.

“That’s wrong, you’re lying!” : lively exchange between Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal during the legislative debate on France 2

Gabriel Attal has stirred up his opponent’s anger by accusing him of stigmatizing 3.5 million dual-national French people. “In the same way, we cannot build appeasement and unity when we present, in this election, more than a hundred candidates for whom we found racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic remarks”he lashed out. To which the RN president replied, annoyed: “That’s wrong, you’re lying!”

Caroline Roux then intervened to encourage Jordan Bardella to explain himself. These charges are very serious, there was a lot of brutality.. What is wrong with what was just said?”, she told him. The one whose salary was revealed denounced “gross accusations” and reproached his interlocutor for never questioning himself.

The host began to give the floor to Olivier Faure, but that was without counting on Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella. Enough to force her to raise her voice: “Have you decided to have a two-person debate or not?! No, but be respectful!”, she told them. But once again this was not enough. “It will be long…”bitterly commented on the one that the public can also find at the presentation of C in the air on France 5.

Jordan Bardella then took her to task. You are a journalist, you cannot allow people to say or attribute to me statements that I did not make.. When did I say that dual nationals were not real French?”he said to her. To which Caroline Roux retorted, very annoyed: “You answered… Well you know what, there are questions from viewers on this subject, you will answer them later!”.


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