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“He is all-powerful”, former Miss France Nathalie Marquay harassed by a politician

The celebrity life is not always easy to lead… and Nathalie Marquay would not say otherwise. Elected Miss France in 1987, the pretty brunette quickly attracted the lust of men.

Recently invited on the set of Sam Zirah, the former beauty queen revealed that she had been harassed by a politician particularly “ powerful« .

« He knew where I was going to do my galas. He absolutely wanted to invite me to the restaurant, I didn’t want to“, she confided. “ Every place I was, I had a bouquet of flowers. He called me when I woke up. I told the reception: ‘Don’t call me.’ I was harassed to go to lunch with this man, but I never agreed.«

“He thought he could have it all”

At the time, Nathalie Marquay was in a relationship and believed that this man was good “ too old ” for her. Despite her multiple refusals, the latter never gave up his attempts to seduce her.

« He was a politician, so he thought he was all-powerful. He thought he could have it all I think“, explained the mother of Lou and Tom Pernaut who had already mentioned this story during her appearance on the show 6 to 7 with Castaon C8, in March 2021.

« He knew every time about the galas I did with Madame de Fontenay, she continued. (…) Each time, he knew where I was. Every day I had a bouquet of flowers at the hotel, he tried to call me, but I never took his call because I was still a little kid. Each time, I refused.“, she indicated before specifying that it was “ of right« , « still married » et « still alive« . « I don’t want to destroy his family« .

The advances of this mysterious man lasted for almost six months ” before he finally realized he had no chance. Quite an anecdote!


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