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“She played the victim a bit”: Léa looks back on Anisha’s victory in the Star Academy

Léa Haddad, Anisha, Enola and Louis made themselves known to the general public by participating in the great return of the Star Academy 2022 and made it to the final of the singing competition. However, Anisha’s victory had made some fans of the program jump and Léa had made some somewhat spicy words against her. Invited on the show In complete privacy opposite Sam Zirah this Tuesday, June 25, the young woman wanted to look back on this victory.

Léa Haddad ironic

I think we all deserved the victory, like me, like her, like Enola, like Louis. (…) Afterwards, it’s irony” she said before Sam Zirah returned to Pierre Garnier’s victory where Léa had thrown a little barb. “When he won, you put a little tweet or a little message on social networks saying ‘his victory is legitimate, not like my 2022 season‘” he reminded her before she justified herself.

Former academician reflects on Anisha’s victory

It’s true, it’s a little prick, but it’s not bad, I didn’t say ‘may she die or something’, it was really a little prick… That is to say, during Pierre Garnier’s entire season we said to ourselves ‘he’s going to win, it was logical’, whereas in our season, what was also cool was that there was a little more suspense. We didn’t know if it was going to be Enola or Anisha, there was really suspense and in fashion, I wasn’t expecting it at all. (…) When I learned that it was Anisha, I didn’t hide, in the videos, you can see that I’m in ‘I’m shocked’ mode, I was really shocked, I didn’t believe it. didn’t wait. (…) For me, it wasn’t logical, but it’s not bad, there’s nothing bad you see, for me, it wasn’t logical in my head. (…) Maybe I told myself that she played the victim a bit and I have the impression that people like victims. (…) She seriously affected people with her life problems, I don’t know exactly what she has, but I think she really played on that, she really accentuated” she confided.


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