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Julien Tanti throws a file on Beverly (Les apprentices champions), Vivian sees red! (spoilers)

In The Apprentice Champions, Julien Tanti will drop a bomb on Beverly, which will really annoy Vivian, who will quickly react… Warning, spoilers!

Screenshots The Apprentice Champions / W9

Vivian has barely arrived in The apprentice champions that the cameras are already focused on him. It must be said that the reality TV candidate knows how to attract attention. Interested in Soraya, he gives everything in the trials to go as far as possible in the adventure. But his attention is diverted by his ex, Beverly, with whom he remains on very good terms. Problem, the latter gets closer to Greg, and makes Vivian believe that she wants to be in a relationship with him. However, Vivian does not get along at all with the famous Marseillais. But the one who made himself known in Secret Story is not at the end of his surprises, since Julien Tanti is going to make a big revelation… Attention, spoilers !

Vivian disappointed by Beverly’s lie

In the episode of June 24, 2024, which is already available in preview on the M6+ Max platform, the king of problems will drop a bomb by explaining to his friend Vivian that Beverly has already been in a relationship for 8 months outside . Information that the main person obviously did not have… “I’m very disappointed in her, at what point she can lie to me. When I’m in real life, and something good happens to me, I just want to tell Beverly (…) What am I actually? I am not her friend, I am nothing to her” he declares in an interview in front of the camera.

Beverly takes Vivian aside to explain herself

To ease tensions, Beverly decides to have a one-on-one talk with him. She first declares: “It’s not against you, it’s just that I know you, you would have called me every day, you would have asked me who knows? what is he doing ? (…) Out of protection, because I know that you love me very much, you might not have let me live my relationship.” Then, she added, still frankly: “I wanted, all these months, to live my story (…) He is a really good person and I hope that you will know him outside because in any case, I can tell you something, he adores you, through what he sees on social networks. I apologize for not telling you.” Even if Vivian hears his arguments, he remains a little disappointed: “It hurts me that she didn’t tell me anything” he confides off-screen.


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