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Laeticia Hallyday makes a poignant declaration of love to Johnny Hallyday for his birthday

If he were still alive, Johnny Hallyday would have celebrated his 81st birthday this Saturday, June 15, 2024. An important day that Laeticia Hallyday has not forgotten and during which she shared a moving declaration to her “love”.

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For more than seven years now, every June 15 has been a difficult day for the Hallyday clan since it is the date of Taulier’s birthday. Saturday June 15, 2024, the famous French rocker would have celebrated his 81st birthday if he had not succumbed to terrible lung cancer. Still admiring her late husband, Laeticia Hallyday – for the occasion – revealed a rare video in which Johnny Hallyday spoke to his loved ones. “My loves, this little note before going to bed to tell you that I love you, I miss you very much. I hope you had a good day today. This message is for my three loves: my Laeti, my Jade and my Joy. Good night my loves, see you tomorrow!“, you can hear him say, proudly.

Laeticia Hallyday still impacted by Johnny’s death: “I will tell him ‘I love you’ a million more times

Still very impacted by the death of her late husband, Laeticia Hallyday then took to her Instagram account to share a poignant message on the occasion of the rocker’s birthday. “You would have been 81 years old my love. We will celebrate you today. There are days in my life when I wish I could turn back time and every June 15th is one of them“, she first said, visibly still very sad. Before then deploring: “If I could, I would give him all the kisses in the world, I would hold him in an endless hug and if I could, I would tell him ‘I love you’ a million more times…“A moving speech which testifies to all the love she still has for the rock legend.

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Laeticia Hallyday talks about her mourning: “We are not invincible

Still in this same speech, Laeticia Hallyday then spoke a little more about her mourning. A difficult ordeal that she had difficulty accepting but which she detailed to her subscribers in complete transparency. “But since he left I have had to learn to live differently, to live without him. I learned about grief, mourning, real grief. As it moves through the body, as it inhabits it, it becomes part of your skin, your memory, your cells and it settles there as a permanent home. But we learn to live with it because we have no choice because we don’t rebuild our lives, we continue with them. I learned that life is fragile and that we are not invincible“, she then clarified. Before concluding, on a much more serene note: “Live and love fully.”

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Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.


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