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Brisket, actor Glen Powell’s dog, escapes his master’s surveillance during a commercial flight and delights all the passengers

When we hear about the actor Glen Powellit is almost always about his films… Except this time, since it is Briskethis adorable crusader Poodle year old, who stole the show.

According to its owner, this adorable ball of hair weighing almost 700 grams “ has the best personality. He’s so funny “. Recently, the little dog actually acted up on a plane, as reported by the media People.

A happy dog ​​dad

Glen Powell has adopted Brisket with the help of the Labelle Foundationan animal shelter based in Los Angeles (UNITED STATES). It’s in a post Instagram of July 2023, that the actor presented his new little companion to his followers. “ I thought it was time I hired a real bodyguard “, he wrote in the caption. “ I can’t wait to tackle all of life’s adventures with this guy! “, he added.

© Glen Powell / Instagram

Since the adoption of Brisket, the 2 friends are inseparable. “ I really feel like I take him everywhere, so he really has so many co-parents », confessed the star of Top Gun: Maverick.

During the filming of Twistersa disaster movie hitting theaters this summer, had everyone caring for the pooch, from the film crew to the film’s co-star Daisy Edgar Jones.

© Glen Powell / Instagram

Thanks to his master, the little Brisket also sees the country. “ He’s been to every corner of the planet at this point, and he’s not perturbed by anything », assures Glen Powell. Recently, he accompanied his master on a commercial flight during which he had a small mishap…

© Glen Powell / Instagram

The real star of flight

Exhausted by his recent travels, Glen Powell had fallen asleep on the plane when his little doggie took the opportunity to go for a walk. “ Brisket doesn’t like it when I close his cage under the seat, so I usually let his little head out, or just be on my lap “, explained the actor. “ He came out of the carrier, and I woke up, and Brisket was gone. »

© Glen Powell / Instagram

Before you even have time to panic, Glen Powell understood that her little dog was making new friends. “ The whole plane was just cuddling Brisket […]. There were children playing with him “, explained the actor.

Also read: A police officer tells how Mason, a support dog, dries victims’ tears during interventions

Since this mishap, the little dog is on the road to fame. Recently, at New York, a young girl even recognized Brisket before his master. “ She didn’t even see me “, remember Glen Powell amused. “ He’s definitely developed a following, that’s for sure “, he concluded with tenderness.


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